Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wig Hire What Would You Do If You Saw A Fat And Bald Chick?

What would you do if you saw a fat and bald chick? - wig hire

I'm 5'3 "and weighs 265 pounds. Recently, I discovered that I have alopecia areata and a vast barren area in front of my scalp. I thought maybe I could shave my head. .. I'm not much money enough for a wig. I want a wig, if you buy a job, but that's another story ... I have to to find another job because I "I have my last ... the secret to a job and is soon? I'm just looking for work in detail, but I do not think anyone wants a young girl, hire fat soon ...


Anonymous said...

I am very familiar with hair loss ... My father was like my brother. Honey is the heart and soul that can see the people ultimately. I want to rent .. .... They seem honest and please do not be too excited ... have a heart and soul beautiful. Believe in yourself. You see wonderful as you would a good friend. I believe in you ......* wink *
So: The American Cancer Society Wigs .... maybe talk with them and see if they Avenue, a company that helps people with hair loss! My mother has her arm after mastectomy and that would cost a small fortune, but I said to the American Cancer Society and when she left, she was surrounded by wigs and falls, etc. .... Who has two arms and she was crying ... Help is provided for Thios looking ... known to be true ... By the way ,.... because the loss is not a permanent state of stress can be. I could write to go, but rather speak in person, because it is not possible here, take my words as I have for onoly, and we know that mand prayers are with you!

cleancut... said...

I would like to date.

kissyber... said...

We regret that the condition, but I have personally assessed in nursing for 25 years and during that time no one to look after her, because you never know what disease they have. I know people do not know, but everything you need to do is keep your head. Employers are not intended to discriminate, so if you can find by them, I wish you all the luck, at least outside of work, unlike many people today who are capable and does not absorb the system. a kind of good news!

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